
The goal of this project was to build a node CLI that takes in information about employees and generates an HTML webpage that displays summaries for each person.




PASS test/Manager.test.js √ Can set office number via constructor argument (2 ms) √ getRole() should return “Manager” √ Can get office number via getOffice()

PASS test/Employee.test.js √ Can instantiate Employee instance (2 ms) √ Can set name via constructor arguments √ Can set id via constructor argument √ Can set email via constructor argument (1 ms) √ Can get name via getName() √ Can get id via getId() √ Can get email via getEmail() √ getRole() should return “Employee” (1 ms)

PASS test/Intern.test.js √ Can set school via constructor (2 ms) √ getRole() should return “Intern” √ Can get school via getSchool()

Test Suites: 4 passed, 4 total Tests: 17 passed, 17 total Snapshots: 0 total Time: 2.736 s, estimated 3 s Ran all test suites matching /test\*/i.

* Created Employee parent class 

class Employee { constructor(name, id, email) { this.name = name; this.id = id; this.email = email; }

getName() {
    return this.name;
} ``` * Created list for initial user prompt ```  function getUserInputs() {
    message: "What team member would you like to create?",
    name: "createdEmployee",
    choices: ["Manager", "Engineer", "Intern", "Done"]
]) ```             * Created questions for each class ``` function manager() {
        type: "input",
        message: "Enter Name",
        name: "name"
        type: "input",
        message: "What is your employee ID?",
        name: "id"
        type: "input",
        message: "What is your employee email?",
        name: "email"
* Created .then function to log responses and push them to an array.

.then(function(response){ var myIntern = new Intern(response.name, response.id, response.email, response.school); employeeList.push(myIntern); getUserInputs(); })

* Create a function to check if the "Output" directory exists, if not, one will be created. Then, an HTML file will be created and information from the array will be used to populate it.

function createTeam() { if(!fs.existsSync(OUTPUT_DIR)){ fs.mkdirSync(OUTPUT_DIR) } fs.writeFileSync(outputPath, render(employeeList), “utf-8”) } ```

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This project is licensed under the GitHub license.